Ten new lessons added to Mathseeds

The wonderful world of Mathseeds just got bigger and better with the release of ten new lessons!
Map 33 and Map 34 continue the exciting Mathseeds adventure, covering grade 3 maths skills. Each lesson takes place in a unique location where children practise key maths skills in real-world situations—from counting hatching tortoises on the Galapagos Islands, to using map coordinates to travel around Rio de Janeiro.
Here’s what children can learn in Lessons 161 to 170 of Mathseeds:
- Telling time to the minute: Recognise that there are 60 minutes in an hour, and tell time to the nearest minute.
- Learning to use maps: Identify features and places on a simple map using basic coordinates and compass directions.
- Exploring odd and even numbers: Identify odd and even numbers using skip counting by twos on number lines and charts. Explore odd and even number patterns.
- Experimenting with chance: Investigate different chance experiments. Identify outcomes and possibilities and record results.
- Discovering prisms and pyramids: Identify prisms and pyramids and describe their key features.
For detailed lesson information please click here.
If you haven’t tried Mathseeds yet, sign up for a free trial here today—you’ll also enjoy free access to Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress.